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Your How-To Guide for Your Hypermobile Life

Forget the misconceptions—being hypermobile doesn't mean you're stuck without options. Join me as I reveal exciting breakthroughs and practical tips for managing hypermobility, HSD, and hEDS, as well as sharing insight from my own journey. Tune in for engaging discussions, relatable anecdotes, and a few laughs along the way.

Prepare to feel inspired, informed, and connected. Because incurable does not mean untreatable!

Help! I’m Hypermobile

How to Deal With Being a Patient

Although I’m a healthcare professional, I’m also someone who has a LOT of experience with being a patient. The reality of being hypermobile is that you’re body isn’t the norm. And because of that, you’re deailng with systems and healthcare providers who often aren’t aware at best (and who behave in ways that are harmful at worst) when it comes to working with hypermobile patients. Join me as I give you all of the information-armour I can to navigate systems and advocate for yourself. Because you and your health matter!

How to Optimise Your Hypermobile Life

Have you ever thought about how the clothes you wear might be affecting your body? Or the furniture and lighting in your home? Your connective tissue affects literally every aspect of your life, from makeup to dating to getting through work and school. Join me as we get real and I give you all my tips, tricks, and strategies for navigating life as a hypermobile person.

Information is power, especially when you’re someone who is trying to navigate life (and medical systems) with a hypermobile body! Join me as I explain the issues with hypermobile connective tissues and how they affect you from head-to-toe. Because I’ll make learning anatomy and physiology fun. Promise!

How To (Finally) Understand Your Hypermobile Body

What you’ll learn with me:


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Period Problems and Hypermobility: How Charting Your Cycle Can Help

Coping with Hypermobility at Work: Navigating Hypermobility in the Workplace

Feeling Things Differently: Hypermobility and Feelings (and Small Fibre Neuropathy)

Hypermobility and Fashion: How to Dress to Support Your Hypermobile Body

Hypermobility and Your Gut: How Connective Tissue Influences Digestive Health


featured shows:

I’m Alex, your Hypermobility Specialist Osteopath

more about me

hey there!

I’m a UK registered osteopath who specialises in working with hypermobile patients who have complex, chronic, and seemingly ‘treatment-resistant’ injuries. My years of professional experience (as well as my lifetime of personal experience of being hypermobile!) have given me a wealth of knowledge that I use to craft bespoke, scientifically-informed, truly patient-centred treatment plans for hypermobile patients whether they’re dealing with 1 injury or 10! I take pride in offering hypermobile patients healthcare support that addresses and works with their uniquely hypermobile bodies. 

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Connective tissue is everywhere, and this is why the effects of hypermobility can be so widespread.. Everything from your gut to your eyes to your skin to your ability to tolerate hot/cold temperatures can be affected. Although this makes it much harder for people with HSD/hEDS and other connective tissue disorders to find successful treatment strategies, what it means is that if the right strategy is found there are so many opportunities for successful treatment of symptoms. Looking for bright spots is what I do both in my clinical practice and in my personal life, and it’s this solutions-oriented approach that I love delving into when I’m recording Help! I’m Hypermobile.

My superpower is taking complex scientific concepts that affect literally every aspect of your hypermobile life and explaining them clearly (while keeping it fun and actually relevant. We don’t do boring here!). Because knowledge is power, especially if you’re hypermobile!

- Charlie

"I am 24 and have recently been diagnosed with hEDS. I’ve been trying to research more about HSD and hEDS when I came across your podcast and have found it incredibly validating and informative."

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- @aoeleni9730

"You’re my hero honestly I am so lucky to have found this channel I feel like you’re speaking directly to me."

63+ 5 s ar verified reviews on Spo i y




Get my FREE Hypermobility Travel Guide

Whether it’s travelling to a healthcare appointment or maybe even somewhere more exotic, check out my FREE Hypermobility Travel Guide for tips + tricks on travelling in a hypermobile body.